Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

Being back in Rome is great. I went to my old neighborhood and saw they had build a new bridge. Not sure how I feel about it. Having a bridge is nice, but it doesn't look very Roman, does it?

There is also a new Burger King, a bubbler fountain in the center (didn't get a photo), new trains on the metro. The line that I used to consider the ghetto line has trains that have AC and teles that show sushi advertisements! And even car sharing.

Just as I was starting to think Rome was taking a turn for the better, as I was headed home, Rome showed her true colors.

See those numbers under the "RIT" column I've tried to circle? Those are minutes late. "CAN", as you can imagine, means canceled. I got on the train that was supposed to be the 6:02 at 7:45ish. What's even better is when we pulled into the station the announcement said, "This train is 25 minutes late." Ummm...This is not the 7:32 train.

Then I got to thinking, "This is exactly why Americans will never do public transport." I don't even know what Americans would do in this situation. Break stuff? We don't typically riot. Just stand there like a bunch of Italians? Also not likely? Freak out? Yes. But how? Make someone come get them?

Something else that hasn't changed? Gelato...

And that's Hilary and me...Not sure if we've changed or stayed the same...