Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Had a test today. It was awful. Thought so much about the answers and then went back and changed a couple. They say don't do that. I think there's a reason...

Anyway, about Christmas....I'm going to be here. And probably so is Marco. Can you all come? It would be great to spend the holidays together. It's been a long time since I've been here... Not to guilt anyone into it, but if it works :)

Jay said he wants to just do it and get it done with what people want. What do you all want to do this year for Christmas? I realize we all make different amounts of money, but do you want to set a limit? Draw names? Or all pitch in what we can and get people one big nice gift?

I've also decided to start sharing photos on this. Going to start with my favorite from when Libby and I went to Scotland.

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