Monday, April 11, 2011

Mary the Joker

Mary, as you may know, is quite the joker.

I will post Mary/English translations after you have had a chance to guess.

UPDATE: Here are the translations
What do you call a banana without a skin?
A banana skin.

Why is the cucumber so sad?
Because it is lonely (apparently it was alone in a three year old's tummy).

What do you call a vegetable that goes to the bathroom?
A pea.
(I thought it was a pee-pee-ya (a papaya) and told her that a papaya is a fruit. Alas, no and she spells pea with six letters)

What do you call a vegetable that sits on the grill?
A burning vegetable.

One onion plus one onion equals?
Two onions.

What do mashed potatoes and peas make?
Green mashed potatoes.

Let me know who had the most correct translations.


Mom said...

I got 1

Molli said...

LORFL, she is funny!

Libby said...

I got all but the burning vegetable. I especially liked one onion plus one onions. I laughed out loud at all of them. But Derek can tell you that I used to make up good jokes when I was Mary's age...