Friday, November 20, 2009

This is me!

Elmira Star Gazette

(Do-doo-do-doooo!!!)  What's that sound?  That's me, tooting my own horn.

Edited:  We now have pictures...  I hosted my first town meeting.  Not all by myself, of course, but I did it.   Here people are arriving.

We had opening remarks and then a visual preference survey of how people vision their park.

I led a group discussion. That was trick because in rehearsal that was not my job so I didn't pay attention and didn't know what questions I was supposed to ask and the like. :)

Then people reported what their groups talked about and what they wanted.

See the news?

And then I talked at the end.


wendysue said...

Go, RJ, GO!

Mom said...

WOW! You're impressive! You go, girl.

Molli said...

You are SO pfancy. Good job.