Saturday, May 23, 2009

FBI Citizens' Academy: Guns and Investigations

FBI Academy ends next week but I have been busy learning!

Here I am learning how they take molds of footprints in dirt or snow. The plaster is poured on using a ruler. Not too fast. Not too slow. and you have to leave it messy on the top. If you smooth it with the rule it will affect the image. The lady could tell how much this one girl in the class liked her shoes. She said, "Wow. You really like those, don't you?" The girl said, "They are my favorite!"

First we practiced on the simulator. The first video the instructor said, "Very good. After you kill someone, do not say, 'I got him!'" :)

Second attempt. This time she laughed because I told him that pulling a gun wasn't nice. Well, it's not, is it? I don't think I would ever do that to someone.

Talking guns. Very serious.

This is a something something gun. I had to shoot it left handed because I am left eye dominant and couldn't see anything with my right eye. That was very tricky because my left arm is basically for decoration and I can't lift anything with it nor does it have any coordination. My shots were all off.

We also shot a something something pistol. That was fun. My eyes were again not good enough to see where I was shooting. My eyes are crap. Good thing I am not a sniper and called to shoot some Somali pirates.

Then they let us pose with the first something something gun. And they gave us hats that night.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Impressive, Rhoda! Way to get the bad guy!