Saturday, January 10, 2009

All-purpose flour vs bread flour... is it worth it?

Mom/Dad/Santa got me an awesome bread book for Christmas. The book won 2 cook book of the year awards, and I really like it. He says that you need to use bread flour (and not all-purpose flour) when you bake bread. I decided to put it to the test. I used the same recipe, once with all-purpose flour, and once with bread flour. Here are the results:

Three loaves of bread flour, and 3 of all-purpose flour. Can you tell which is which?

Maybe from this angle is better
The interesting part is that the pictures in his book look more like the bread on the right for the inside (if you hadn't already guessed, the bread on the right is the all-purpose flour).

I have to admit, the taste of the bread flour loaf wins... hands down. So in conclusion, I think yes... bread flour is worth it if you want to bake some really nice bread.

Addendum: Jay and Randy liked the bread flour bread better as well, but Mom likes both and says they are just "different". Dad liked the crunchy outside of the all-purpose flour but the inside of the bread flour, although I missed one step on the bread flour on accident that I think would have made it crunchier. So there you have it.

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