Friday, June 16, 2006

New Homes

I recently took a road trip to CO to go to
Mary Jo's surprise 60th birthday party and
to see Josh's and Molli's and Jay's new homes. This is a picture of the front of Josh's new house.
You'll note the OLD Jeep....

This is a shot of his back yard. It's a lovely
huge back yard, with lots of trees and grass.

This is a shot of the back of the house.... He got
a new grill....ready for him to become the chef of
the Pflum Pfamily!

This is Molli's and Jay's new house. It's actually
not very far from their old house.... neither is
Josh's..... his is in one direction, Molli's and Jay's
in another.....

A view of the kitchen..........

..and the fireplace in the family room (and Jay)....

...and the back yard.....

....and Gracie....
... and Kuba.

1 comment:

Rhoda said...

I want to go see!!! Holy smokes! Kuba has gotten big! Thank you for posting...