Saturday, August 02, 2008


This is a bed I found. I'm not sure. Is it too regal? I thought it looked very tall, but then I was looking at Derek and Mary Kay's headboard, and it's quite tall, but it just doesn't look so with the mattress. This one is taller, but there it is. I used the flash on the headboard and not on the other 2 photos. Is it too much? Asking price is $1495. It's a lot. Although a new bed alone is over $1200. It's a full, so I would have to buy a separate frame. The tops of the wash and dressing stand are marble. I don't know if it's original finish, but I'm not too worried about that.

Thoughts? Comments?


Molli said...

Hey! I clicked on 'buy it', but somehow it's now showing that 100% said keep looking and 0% said buy it. So whatever the end tally is, my vote needs to be switched.

Molli said...

Although now I refreshed it's saying 50% on each, so I'm not sure if maybe someone else voted for keep looking. Hmmmmmm...

Mom said...

It's beautiful! I think you'd enjoy having it.