Saturday, February 18, 2012


Warthog soup.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Lunch tomorrow! Someone caught warthog

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Conversations with Alina

Alina: Mommy, we should tell Tata to clean the house until it sparkles. Then we can say "Wow, Tata, the house sparkles!"
Me (chuckling): That's a great idea, but our cleaning lady just came yesterday, so our house should already be sparkling!
Alina (very seriously): I don't see any sparkles on the walls, do you Mommy?
Me: (chuckle)
Alina: Well... do you?

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Mom and Dad's Visit

Mom and Dad came for a visit. The first day we had a community meeting so they waited at home. I wanted to do a whole post titled, "Where's Waldo?" but this one photo will have to do. :)

We were supposed to do a world map on the side of the school wall but it didn't happen. After Sanga we went to Nazinga. It's no Serengeti but we still saw some pfun animals.

That bird is pretty. I don't have photo editing equipment on this computer, but you can still see it.

We entered from the back of the park, so here we are at the front gate at the end of the tour.

Then we went to Tiebele. They paint their houses there really interestingly. They have contests to see whose is the best. Each of the symbols means something. The triangles, for example, represent the bowls they use for eating and drinking.

Then we went to watch women make clay pots. That was fun.

And that's it! Five more months!

Monday, February 06, 2012


It's strawberry season and I'm at the new restaurant in Waga!

Saturday, February 04, 2012

For those in Africa

In the past 36 hours, Westminster got about 17" of snow.  Whoo hoo!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Mom eating lunch in sanga.


Dad too